About Konica Minolta

Material Issue 2

Supporting Healthy, High-Quality Living


Social and environmental issue outlook for 2030

Due to population aging, the number of people suffering from diseases in developed countries is expected to grow. With a corresponding increase in the demand for medical treatment and nursing care, social security costs will also climb. In sparsely populated areas and developing countries, there are concerns that healthcare access could become difficult. In addition, the gap between supply and demand for nursing care in Japan is expected to grow to approximately 500,000 patients by 2030.* Similar issues are also anticipated in other developed countries in the near future.
As part of productivity and safety improvement at medical facilities and seniors care sites, the quality of and access to medical services need to be enhanced, and social security costs have to be reduced. This can be done through the prevention and early detection of disease.

Opportunities for Konica Minolta to create value


Through Konica Minolta businesses
  • Promoting disease prevention and early detection by providing high value-added medical services, and reducing medical expenses
  • Advancing medical care and improving accessibility by enabling advanced medical treatment in a convenient manner
  • Transforming caregiver workflow with imaging IoT and creating a labor pool

Internal action to create value
  • Improving employee engagement and innovation capablity by developing safe and comfortable workplaces where employees feel motivated

Vision for 2030 and Medium-Term Plan

Vision for 2030: Promote health and high quality of life at corporate clients, in society, and Konica Minolta. Help individuals lead fulfilling lives.

Related SDGs:

Theme (Economic Value): Provide health and high quality of life to our customers

Theme (Social and Environmental Value): Building safe and comfortable workplaces (companies) where employees feel motivated

Themes Indicators Results Targets
FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Improve organizational health Percentage of workplaces where stress levels exceed the appropriate range*1 13.3% 5.3% 12.5% 11.3% 9.3%
Average score of the organizational health survey results (10-point scale) 6.1 6.3 6.4 6.9 7.7
Employee health Presenteeism*2:
Percentage of employees with moderate or greater impaired work function due to health problems
18.2% 20.0% 17.1% 16.1% 15.1%
Average reduction*4 in the number of days of leave for the person on leave*5
- 2%

Target scope: Konica Minolta, Inc.

Workplaces with stress levels that exceed the appropriate range: Workplaces with a total health risk of 120 or higher in stress check (A total health risk of 100 is the national average)
Presenteeism: A condition in which an employee is present at work, but their performance is declining due to some physical disorder. It is evaluated using the Work Functioning Impairment Scale (WFun), a survey developed at the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan to measure the degree of impaired work function due to health problems. In Japan, a score of 21 or higher on this survey is said to indicate moderate or greater impaired work function.
Absenteeism: Condition of not being able to come to work due to illness or poor health.
Percentage of reduction from FY2022 results
Person on leave: Employee on leave (including unscheduled absence and temporary retirement). The number of days of leave of absence does not include fixed days off, paid vacations, and absence due to work-related injury.

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Konica Minolta's Approach

Konica Minolta will make the most of its proprietary Dynamic Digital Radiography (DDR) technologies, diagnostic ultrasound systems and genetic testing to improve healthcare access and help reduce social security costs. These technologies can help detect diseases early and reduce the risk of severe illness, thereby reducing treatment costs. In addition, the company will expand access to nursing care by providing solutions that streamline care staff workflow.
Konica Minolta possesses DDR technology that uses its proprietary image processing technology to improve the ability to discriminate, quantify movement, and visualize pulmonary function information in images with movement, as well as imaging diagnostic technologies that can help pinpoint the cause of disease by utilizing diagnostic technology at the molecular level such as genes and proteins. In addition, the company has the human resources and technical capabilities needed to visit care facilities in person to assess staff workflow and propose specific improvements. With these capabilities, Konica Minolta will contribute to enhancing people's quality of life while helping to lower healthcare costs.
At Konica Minolta itself, the aims will be to foster employees’ engagement with their own physical and mental health and promote more advanced health management by building a health-first corporate culture.

Businesses: Improving Patient Quality of Life While Reducing Expenses

●Improving patient quality of life while reducing healthcare costs by providing high-value-added medical treatment

●Expanding care capacity by streamlining care staff workflow

Internal Action: Building Safe and Comfortable Workplaces Where Employees Feel Motivated

●Promoting health-oriented business administration

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