About Konica Minolta

Material Issue 1

Improving Fulfillment in Work and Corporate Dynamism


Social and Environmental Issue Outlook for 2030

Many economies around the world, including Japan, are expected to see labor shortages. As industrial structures change, there will be imbalances in the type of labor force needed. There will be labor shortages in some areas and more mismatches between the skills people have and the skills jobs require. By 2030, a total labor shortage of about 100 million people is anticipated in the countries that make up the top 70% of global GDP. For example, technologies such as AI, robotics and automation will increase productivity and alleviate labor shortages, but new jobs will be created that require more creative skills.This will occur not just on the manufacturing floor, but in offices as well. While it is important to increase productivity with technology, human creativity must also be fostered to solve the global labor shortage.

Opportunities for Konica Minolta to Create value, and Risks to Be Minimized


Through Konica Minolta businesses
  • Improving productivity and fulfillment in work through process and supply chain transformation based on the digitalization of manufacturing sites
  • Eliminating labor shortages through an automated, labor saving, and skill-free system
  • Improving productivity of customer organizations and increasing time for creativity by transforming work styles through DX

Internal action to create value
  • Providing innovative services by realizing the full potential of human resources, who are the source of new value, and creating organizations where individuals thrive
  • Improving productivity by enhancing education to reinforce human capital for DX and by applying DX in company processes through data utilization, and providing innovative DX services to customers


Affecting Konica Minolta
  • Mismatches between employee skills and their work in the event of rapid changes in systems and environments and the rise of new technologies
  • Declines in employee diversity, independence, and ability to innovate in the event that efforts to create workplaces that promote diversity stagnate



Vision for 2030 and Medium-Term Plan

Vision for 2030: Increase labor productivity for corporate clients, society, and Konica Minolta. Make time for creativity, and promote workplaces where all individuals can thrive.

Related SDGs:

Themes (Economic Value): Increasing customer productivity and making time for creativity

Themes (Social and Environmental Value): Creating an organization that draws out potential talent so that individuals can thrive

Indicators Results Targets
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Number of DX specialized technical human resources*1 500 - 814 1085 1000 40% or more engineers in each business unit 50% or more engineers in each business unit
GES score*2 Engagement*3 - 6.4 6.6 6.8 - - 7.7(industry average)
Equity*4Note1 - 7.1(6.1) 7.4(6.1) 7.6(6.6) 7.6(6.4) 7.8(6.7) 8.0(7.0) or more
Freedom of opinion*5Note1 - 6.9(6.5) 7.2(6.6) 7.3(6.8) 7.5(6.9) 7.7(7.2) 8.0(7.5) or more
Percentage of management positions held by women*6 7.2% 9.1% 9.9% 10.7% 11% or more 12% or more 13% or more
Percentage of women among new graduate recruits*6 23% 35% 37% 39% 30% or more 30% or more 30% or more

Note: Target scope: Konica Minolta, Inc. However, the scope of targets of the GES score (*2) is the Konica Minolta Group (worldwide) and the data for Konica Minolta, Inc. in parentheses in Note 1.

DX Specialized Technical Human Resources: Specialists who leverage data from products, services, and business processes, as well as digital and AI technologies, to create solutions for internal and external challenges.
GES (Global Employee Survey) score: The average score of responses to relevant questions in the Global Employee Survey, rated on a scale from 0 to10.
Engagement: Applicable question “How likely is it you would recommend Konica Minolta as a place to work?" (This has been corrected due to an error in the question description. The same question has been used in the evaluation since FY2021.)
Equity: Applicable question “people of all backgrounds treated fairly in my department/team?”
Freedom of opinion: Applicable question “Is your opinion respected in your department/team?”
Time of compilation: As of April 1 of the following fiscal year.

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Konica Minolta's Approach

As work styles become more diversified, Konica Minolta looks to provide solutions that increase productivity and enable creativity-inspiring work styles in diverse locations, while enhancing personal motivation, fulfillment in work, and corporate growth. Specifically, by utilizing options like measurement and inspection worksite automation, on-demand production, imaging IoT, document management, and reducing the amount of time spent on basic tasks, Konica Minolta is helping customers improve their productivity and shift their focus to creative work. By combining imaging IoT and digital technologies, Konica Minolta can make the inefficiencies hidden in a customer's workflow visible. Moreover, the company can take a close look at the customer's workflow and provide services tailored to their specific business needs. With these capabilities, Konica Minolta will help customers increase productivity and make time for creativity, while also helping to minimize disadvantages in terms of IT access, recruitment, and entrepreneurial opportunities.
At Konica Minolta itself, the emphasis will be on realizing the full potential of human resources and empowering individuals to thrive and produce new value. Konica Minolta will do this by developing workplaces and a corporate culture where individual employees can reach their full potential with a sense of personal motivation and engagement.

Businesses: Increasing Customer Productivity and Making Time for Creativity

●Shortening lead time compared to conventional processes through on-demand production

●Improving productivity at the printing sites with automatic quality optimization unit

●Making time for creativity by automating the inspection process at production sites

●Improving customer productivity and creativity through workstyle reform and decision support

●Making time to provide care services by streamlining care staff workflow

Internal Action: Creating an organization that draws out potential talent so that individuals can thrive

●Systematically develop leaders by selecting young employees early on and strengthening the pipeline of women candidates for director positions

●Creating a corporate culture in which individuals can thrive

●Promoting diversity & inclusion

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