About Konica Minolta

Human Capital

Attracting, Developing and Promoting the Active Participation of Human Resources

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Konica Minolta's Approach

Background and Issues

To attract, develop, and promote the active participation of professional human resources, we have established the following issues and are taking measures to address them.

  • Pipeline of next-generation leadership candidates
  • Accelerate the Reskilling and Skill Improvement of Human Resources, and Place them in the Right Job


While focusing on attracting, developing, and promoting the active participation of human resources in each region, we have implemented a process of visualization and development of talented human resources who will be the driving force for the entire Konica Minolta Group. We will pursue maximum benefits with balanced investment in human resources that will contribute to accelerating selection and concentration and achieving sustainable business growth in the future.

Key Measures and KPIs

  • Strengthen pipeline of next-generation leadership candidates
  • Increase the quantity and speed of human resources supply to accelerate business selection and concentration. Strengthen DX specialized technical human resources* and accelerate placement of the right person in the right job
   Results Targets
FY2020 FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
DX specialized technical human resources* People 500 814 1085 1000
Percentage 35% of all engineers 40% or more engineers in each business 50% or more engineers in each business
Specialized human resources who can use data obtained from products, services, and business processes as well as digital and AI technologies to create solutions that solve problems inside and outside the company

Strengthen Pipeline of Next-Generation Leadership Candidates

CEO Talent Reiview

To systematically assign and develop next-generation leaders to take charge of Company management, we have visualized human resources since fiscal 2020, and established a forum for CEOs and top management to confirm and discuss one-on-one the direction of development. Through these discussions, we clarify organizational issues such as whether there is a candidate for the next top management position or whether we should wait another three to five years for such a candidate. The CEO and top management then assume the role of identifying successor candidates and assign them tasks for further growth, and then check their growth over the next year.
As of April 2024, 150 individuals have been selected for the Talent Review and provided with systematic opportunities for assignments and education.

Creation of Global Leaders to Drive DX

Konica Minolta has created a “development model” and is implementing the process for training human resources who arrange to have digital experts located near its customers, which is essential for Konica Minolta to become a DX company. Specifically, we select human resources globally who become candidates, collaborate with top educational institutions in Europe, and design educational programs based on the business direction we are pursuing and current challenges and provide these to the selected candidates. At the same time, we formulate and implement an individual development plan based on the individual’s talents revealed through the educational program. This initiative, which started in the Digital Workplace Business, our core business, has expanded to other businesses, and in fiscal 2023, it was applied for selected personnel in the Professional Print Business.

Providing Challenging Opportunities for Next-Generation Leaders Globally

For many years, Konica Minolta, Inc. has conducted a program for sending young employees overseas to sales companies and world-class business schools. The program is an investment in human resources intended to develop true global leaders at an early stage who can compete globally. The program seeks to foster an understanding of diversity, how to work globally and have a global and local perspective and establish a personal basis as a businessperson. In fiscal 2022, we expanded targeted scope globally with renaming it “GLOW,”, and giving it a new start. In the first phase, 11 selected individuals completed their mission in fiscal 2023, and in April 2024, the second phase began with 10 additional participants, who are currently fulfilling their mission.

Accelerate the Reskilling and Skill Improvement of Human Resources and Place them in the Right Job

Develop and Utilize DX Specialized Technical Human Resources

To accelerate the selection and concentration of businesses and continue being a company that is needed by greater society, we recognize that it will become increasingly important for us to leverage the core technologies in our possession to the fullest, and strengthen DX specialized technical human resources who can further evolve upon those technologies.

Over time, we have focused on the development of "imaging IoT technology" that combines the core technologies that we have continued to refine for years together with the latest IoT and AI technology. From fiscal 2014, we have been tackling new business creation, and have therefore promoted the development and acquisition of human resources.
Based on this, we are defining the necessary roles to promote DX and clarifying the training system connected to those roles. In addition, we are visualizing the number and level of human resources for each role and promoting effective human resource allocation.
Currently, we are taking steps to certify and register 1,085 employees as DX specialized technical human resources by the end of fiscal 2023, and expand the opportunities for them to play an active role.

Human Resources to Expand DX Business

Human Resource Allocation

In order to support the growth of professional human resources and execute a human resources strategy to transform the business portfolio, Konica Minolta, Inc. will update its skill-building system and introduce a talent management system in 2022. Registering the skills and experience of each person in the human resources database will enable Konica Minolta to track the location and skills of its personnel throughout the Company. This will allow it to predict human resource shortages several years in advance and quickly review and implement strategic placements, such as reallocating personnel to areas where they are needed.

Human Resources Recruitment System

Konica Minolta, Inc. has introduced the Human Resources Recruitment System that allows employees to take on the voluntary transfer to a new position as a mechanism to complement company-led personnel assignments. The aim of this system is to create human resources who actively take on new challenges in their own career development and to foster a corporate culture that respects the can-do spirit.

Developing a Human Capital System

As the foundation of its OJD*, Konica Minolta, Inc. enhances its impact by providing rank-based training tailored to changes in roles and positions, as well as a range of training programs to raise knowledge and skills. In addition, the Company has established a support system to promote self-driven growth. Specifically, we have introduced a support system that provides referrals to recommend outside educational institutions and subsidizes the cost of attending educational programs of the individual’s choice. (a point-based subsidy called the “Cafeteria Plan” and a program to support personal development costing up to 1.5 million yen per year)
A total of approximately 16,500 employees took advantage of such educational programs in fiscal 2023, and the total time they spent was approximately 60,000 hours.

OJD: Acronym for On-the-Job Development (skill development through work). It is a variant of OJT (On-the-Job Training) that involves skill development while sharing challenges under the guidance of a supervisor.
Status of Human Resource Development Education and Training
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total number of participants (people) Approx. 9,600 Approx. 8,600 Approx. 8,600 Approx. 10,100 Approx. 16,500
Total time of attendance (hours) Approx. 83,000 Approx. 64,000 Approx. 59,000 Approx. 83,000 Approx. 60,000
Average annual hours of training per employee (hours) Approx. 16 Approx. 13 Approx. 13 Approx. 18 Approx. 14
The target includes regular employees of Konica Minolta, Inc.

See the 'Social Data (Excel)' section of the ESG Data for details.

In addition, Konica Minolta, Inc. has been conducting DX assessments to improve the DX literacy of all employees since fiscal 2023 (total of two times; average participation rate of about 95%), and is also promoting the visualization of their DX literacy levels, continuous improvement through the study of educational content matching their level, and pursuing learning in their workplaces. We will continue these activities in fiscal 2024.