About Konica Minolta

Material Issue 3

Ensuring Social Safety and Security


Social and environmental issue outlook for 2030

Due to the aging of factories and equipment, staff shortages and the retirement of veteran employees with a wealth of experience, among other factors, the risk of disasters at manufacturing sites has increased and the risk of workplace accidents is also considered to rise. In order to attract personnel, however, companies must provide safer workplace environments. In addition, cyber-attacks have become increasingly frequent and sophisticated. The unprecedented damage they have caused is estimated at as much as 90 trillion dollars* worldwide.

To make society safer and more secure, it is vital to visualize threats to social infrastructure and workplaces, as well as information security risks, and to improve the products and services that contribute to people's work and livelihoods.

* Source: "Risk Nexus," Zurich Insurance Group and the Atlantic Council, 2015

Opportunities for Konica Minolta to create value, and risks to be minimized


Through Konica Minolta businesses
  • Creating safe workplaces at client companies through process transformation based on digitalization of manufacturing sites
  • Ensuring the quality of client company’s products and services and reducing accidents in the market by enabling advanced measurement
  • Increasing the safety and security of manufacturing sites and of society by visualizing potential dangers with imaging IoT




Affecting Konica Minolta
  • Damage to client companies or society due to a serious accident caused by a product or service
  • A major security incident related to a product or service that leads to an information leak or privacy infringement

Vision for 2030 and Medium-Term Plan

Vision for 2030: Enhance safety and security in the workplaces of corporate clients and in society. Minimize risks posed by Konica Minolta products and services.

Related SDGs:

Theme: Provide safety and security in the work and daily lives of customers
Theme: Minimizing safety and security risks of the Company’s products and services

Themes Indifcators Results Targets
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Eliminate substances that affect health Social and environmental value
Number of serious accidents*1 caused by chemical substances
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reinforce efforts to ensure health when products and services are used Social and environmental value
Number of serious product-related accidents*2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Completely eliminate serious information security incidents Social and environmental value
Number of serious information security incidents*3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Serious accident: A case that causes serious harm to the product user’s life and/or body and cases that cause serious and significant impact on the business of the product user
Serious product-related accident: A case that causes serious harm to the product user’s life and/or body and cases that cause serious damage to assets other than the product
Serious security incident: A case in which product security has a serious and significant harm to the product user’s business

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Konica Minolta's Approach

Konica Minolta will contribute to creating a safe and secure society, and provide solutions that help create secure manufacturing sites and IT systems. Specifically, the company will work to provide solutions that make risks visible in workplaces using imaging IoT technology and to achieve workplaces that ensure a high degree of information security.

Konica Minolta possesses proprietary technologies in the fields of optical and image processing, as well as analysis and imaging AI technologies. It is also deeply involved in the main processes at each stage of the supply and value chains for various industries. Using the valuable information it has accumulated through these activities, Konica Minolta is able to offer solutions that help customers to raise product quality and enhance safety and security in the workplace, while driving innovation across various industries. With the technology to visually detect changes and warning signs invisible to the human eye, the company will continue providing new value in areas such as public security, factory safety, and product inspection.

As a manufacturer, Konica Minolta also evaluates all risks at each stage of its product and service life cycles, and works to minimize information security risks and health problems.

Businesses: Providing safety and security in the workplaces of corporate clients and in society

●Monitoring related to safety and security such as management of infrastructure and critical facilities, quality inspection, etc.

●Providing occupational safety support solutions

●Providing solutions that help to improve customers’ information security

Internal Action: Minimizing Risks Related to the Safety and Security of Konica Minolta Products and Services

●Enhancing user safety for products and services

●Eliminating chemical substances harmful to health

●Thoroughly preventing major information security accidents

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