About Konica Minolta


Putting Compliance into Practice

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Practicing Compliance Based on the Charter of Corporate Behavior

Based on the Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, which sets out action guidelines to embody the Konica Minolta Philosophy, and the Konica Minolta Group Guidance for the Charter of Corporate Behavior, which describes how to put the Charter into practice, the company conducts a comprehensive risk assessment every six months to identify compliance-related risks such as corruption (bribery, improper payoffs, conflict of interest, etc.), antitrust law violations (private monopoly, unfair trade practices, unfair restraint of trade, etc.), and violations of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. These risks are reported to the Risk Management Committee, and are then identified as important compliance issues. Then the issues identified are addressed as priorities.
In addition, the Group has introduced a system that highly evaluate talented personnel who act in accordance with the Konica Minolta Philosophy, and a system to evaluate employees who take on challenges and reflect that in compensation, regardless of the outcome. On the other hand, to promote the practice of compliance, the Group disciplines compliance violations in accordance with the employment regulations and internal rules of each company.

Anti-Corruption Initiatives

Implementing global anti-corruption measures focusing on areas with high corruption risk

Along with economic globalization, the need for anti-corruption measures has increased, and relevant regulations are being strengthened not only within Japan, but also for international commercial transactions. The guidelines for preventing corruption are set forth under Section 2, “Fair and Transparent Business Activities” of the Konica Minolta Group Guidance for the Charter of Corporate Behavior. They include an anti-corruption policy, policies on contributions and political donations, political activities, sponsorships, and charity donations, a prohibition on insider trading, conflict of interest, and a response to antisocial forces.
In the Group Annual Compliance Plan, which is formulated every year considering the expectations of society, the degree of impact on the company and society and the possibility of occurrence, antitrust laws and anti-corruption measures were positioned as priority issues in fiscal 2023. Under the compliance promotion structure that has been established worldwide, the Group continued to provide education in line with the relevant laws, business environments, and customary practices of each country and region.
The compliance issues, risks, and progress of education in each region are reported to the Chief Compliance Officer via monthly or quarterly compliance reports.
Konica Minolta revises its anti-corruption guidelines in countries and regions in and outside Japan in response to changes in their respective laws, cultures, and social conditions, and ensures that all Group employees are fully aware of them.
As part of the company's comprehensive anti-corruption efforts, standards and rules have been in operation concerning the provision of gifts and entertainment to clients. They have been prepared by referring to the country rankings in the annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) reported by Transparency International (TI), and are applicable to Konica Minolta organizations operating in countries where the risk of corruption is high. Accounting monitoring and verification have been conducted and deployed at each subsidiary, and reports are sent every quarter to the compliance department.
There were no incidents regarding bribery or corruption in fiscal 2023.

Compliance with Antitrust Laws

Formulating antitrust law policy and undertaking education in accordance with the laws and business environment in each region

Konica Minolta recognizes that when violations of an antitrust law occur, the impact on companies, the economy and society is extremely serious. Section 2, "Fair and Transparent Business Activities" of the Konica Minolta Group Guidance for the Charter of Corporate Behavior stipulates the following. Complying with applicable laws, regulations, etc. related to prohibition of monopolization, fair competition, and fair trade in respective countries and regions in which it operates, and for fairness and transparency in transactions between companies. Antitrust law measures have again been designated as a Konica Minolta group-wide priority in the Group's fiscal 2023 compliance promotion plan. The Group compliance support office and the regional compliance coordinators have taken the lead in providing education to relevant employees at Konica Minolta, Inc. and its subsidiaries worldwide, in line with the laws and business environment in each region.
This initiative will be continued in the future. Monthly and quarterly reports on the progress of compliance promotion are regularly submitted to the Chief Compliance Officer, including the status of education on antitrust law measures, as well as antitrust law issues and risks.
In fiscal 2023, there were no incidents related to antitrust laws.

Export Control for International Peace and Security

Practicing strict export control to maintain international peace and security

Today there is heightened concern over the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorist attacks. Accordingly, as a member of the international community, the government of Japan participates in international treaties and regimes such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the Wassenaar Arrangement and has reflected their rules to be observed in Japan's Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. This law regulates the trade not only of weapons, but also of goods and technology that could be used to produce weapons. It specifies that companies are required: (1) to determine whether or not it is an advanced technology or goods that could be used for weaponry as listed under international agreements (technical classification); and (2) to check the users and the intended use for any risk of its being used for the development or manufacture of weapons of mass destruction (transaction screening).

Konica Minolta has established an Export Control Code for Security Purposes and created an export control system in group companies in Japan, and it carries out strict technical classification of products and transaction screening to ensure adherence to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. In addition, Konica Minolta systematically provides security export control training to employees and conducts internal audits on security export control operations.

Tax Policy

Konica Minolta has established a group-wide tax policy.

The Konica Minolta Group Tax Policy has been established in order to contribute to the development of local communities by ensuring that we properly fulfill the duty to pay taxes related to our business operations.

Advertising Activities

Konica Minolta has established the Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Konica Minolta Group Guidance for the Charter of Corporate Behavior as its global standard for the disclosure of useful and reliable information.
In its advertising, Konica Minolta gives first priority to compliance with the relevant laws and industrial regulations in each region of the world. Beyond the basic laws, the company endeavors to conduct fair and proper advertising, taking into account the voluntary restrictions and advertising standards that apply in each of its business fields, as well as respecting public morality and the viewpoints of stakeholders.
For example, laws and standards that the company observes in Japan include regulations governing advertisements such as the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, the Standards for the Representation of Copiers and Multi-Function Printers of the Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association, and screening standards for various media.