Charter of Corporate Behavior

Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

Under our philosophy “The Creation of New Value,” Konica Minolta has established “Imaging to the People” as its management vision, and aims both to “support people to achieve their own purpose” and “realize a sustainable society” to a greater degree. The Charter of Corporate Behavior (“the Charter”) sets out action guidelines to embody the Konica Minolta Philosophy, which is underpinned by our philosophy and management vision. All officers and employees of the Group (collectively, “the Konica Minolta Group Personnel”) shall behave based on a clear understanding of the spirit of the Charter.
Recognizing that the spirit of the Charter must be fulfilled by Konica Minolta Group Personnel taking their own initiative and responsibility, senior management shall lead by example to make sure that the Konica Minolta Group Personnel fully understand the Charter. Senior management shall also constantly monitor the feedback from in and outside the Group and establish an effective system within the Group to ensure ethical corporate behavior.

1. Value Proposition to Customers and Society

We shall offer products and services, which help resolve issues faced by customers and society, by taking a human-centered approach and demonstrating creativity. We shall make safety our highest priority when offering such products and services.

2. Fair and Transparent Business Activities

We shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in respective countries and regions in which we operate, internal rules and internal policy requirements, ensure ethical corporate behavior, and perform business activities in good faith.

3. Addressing Environmental Issues

We shall work to resolve environmental issues and achieve business growth at the same time. We shall further enhance our contribution in collaboration with stakeholders.

4. Communication with Society and Information Disclosure

We shall communicate with society at large and disclose corporate information in a timely and fair manner in order to improve our corporate value as a company committed to resolving social issues.

5. Respect for Human Rights

We shall recognize respect for human rights as a basic principle of our business activities. We shall strive to eliminate all forms of discrimination within our workforce and in our relationships with business partners. We shall also ask business partners and other parties connected to our business activities to respect human rights.

6. Collaboration with Stakeholders

We shall regard points of contact with stakeholders as our important assets to foster mutual trust and create innovative ideas. We shall strive to maintain and utilize these points of contact.

7. Talent Development and Fostering of an Organizational Culture

We shall develop talent who create value that contributes to society and foster an organizational culture for that purpose, by enabling individuals to thrive, and strengthening collective intelligence.

8. Responsible Action

In the event of a violation of the Charter, senior management shall investigate the cause and implement measures to prevent recurrence, ensure prompt public disclosure of accurate information, and fulfill accountability. In addition, senior management shall ask suppliers for responsible action.

Revised in April 2022

The Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior consists of eight behavior guidelines, to which relevant group policies are linked.
The Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior was approved by the Board of Directors in April 2022.