Media Globe Σ

※This product has been discontinued since March 31, 2021.

The Media Globe series is used by more than 120 leading planetariums both overseas and in Japan, and with the addition of the latest technology to the traditional technology that traces its origins back to the days when Konica Minolta Planetarium was Chiyoda Kogaku Seikō, K.K. (Chiyoda Optics and Fine Engineering, Ltd.), it represents the evolution of planetariums to the 18th generation, known as “Σ”.

Media Globe Σ
This is the latest digital planetarium that was developed based on the concept of pulling together all of Konica Minolta Planetarium Co., Ltd.’s technology through a fusion of Konica Minolta’s cutting edge optical technology and high contrast, ultra-high resolution video projection.

Media Globe Σ
*Media Globe is a registered trademark of Konica Minolta Planetarium Co., Ltd.

Main Specifications

Media Globe Σ Model 2.5KTE
Projector Standard Setup Projector x 2 / Lens x 2 / Outer Cover x 2
Suitable Dome Diameter 8 to 12m (Horizontal or Tilted)
Number of Projectors 2 Projectors
Projector Resolution 2,560 x 1,600 pixels x 1 Chip (DLP)*1
Brightness 800 Lumens*1
Light Source LED
Contrast Ratio Up to 8,000:1
Projection Area 180° (entire hemisphere)
Projection Method Equidistance Projection
Dome Resolution 2,560 Pixels Diameter*2
Weight TBD
Console Standard Setup Tablet PC x 1 / Console PC x 1 / Image Generator x 1 / Display Monitor x 1 / Keyboard x 1 / Mouse x 1 / Hub x 1 / Wireless Router x 1 / Wireless Joypad x 1
Weight TBD
Start-up Time Shorter than 5min
Optional Items Mechanical Console / GUI Touch Panel / Time Interface / Capture Board / Additional PC / HDMI Splitter / DVI Switcher / Uncompressed Server

*1 = per projector / *2 = maximum / *Op = Optional / *Specifications are subject to change without notice

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