Konica Corporation
May 15, 2003


5. Business Results of the Last Three Fiscal Terms (Unconsolidated)

  Konica Corporation
Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002 March 31, 2003
Net Sales (millions of yen) 345,284 339,003 357,853
Operating income (millions of yen) 17,817 16,327 24,028
Recurring profit (millions of yen) 17,175 18,702 20,746
Net income (millions of yen) 3,653 (29,928) 6,481
Net income per share (yen) 10.21 (83.69) 18.00
Shareholders’ dividend per share (yen) 10 10 10*
Shareholders’ equity per share (yen) 550.61 456.18 463.77
  Minolta Co., Ltd.
Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002 March 31, 2003
Net Sales (millions of yen) 278,955 272,105 296,329
Operating income (millions of yen) 8,352 3,088 22,253
Recurring profit (millions of yen) 8,223 (1,531) 17,712
Net income (millions of yen) 2,476 (33,596) 11,969
Net income per share (yen) 8.84 (119.90) 42.74
Shareholders’ dividend per share (yen) 6 - 3*
Shareholders’ equity per share (yen) 359.00 265.22 308.60
Shareholders’ dividend per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003 is subject to the approval of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings of Konica and Minolta, respectively.

6. The Date of Stock Swap

It is scheduled on August 5, 2003.

7. Outline of the New Company after the Stock Swap

(The new company will be formed on condition that the stock swap contract is approved at the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings of Konica and Minolta.)

Company name Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.
Nature of company Holding company
Head office 1-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representatives President & Representative Executive Officer:
Fumio Iwai
Vice President & Representative Executive Officer:
Yoshikatu Ota
Capital 37,519 million yen

8.Upcoming Schedule

June 25, 2003 Konica's Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Approval of the stock swap contract)

June 27, 2003 Minolta's Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Approval of the stock swap contract)

June 28, 2003 Public notification requesting to submit Minolta's stock certificate

August 4, 2003 Deadline for submitting Minolta's stock certificate

August 5, 2003 Stock swap date, Establishment of Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.

9. After the stock swap scheduled on August 5, 2003, the medium-term business plan will duly be announced shortly.

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