About Konica Minolta

Environmental Labels and Certifications

Environmental Labels

Actively providing environmental information about products through environmental labels.

Type I Environmental Labels

Type I environmental labelling refers to labels indicating that an independent certification body certifies that a product has a low environmental impact.

Blue Angel Mark

Blue Angel Mark
Launched in Germany in 1978 as the world's first environmental labelling system, the Blue Angel has been the ecolabel of the German Federal Government. It is an independent and credible label that sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services. Since receiving the world's first Blue Angel certification in the field of copiers in January 1992, Konica Minolta has continued to receive certification for new products by clearing the certification bar each time it has been raised.

International Energy Star Program

International Energy Star Program
Products that meet certain standards can be registered as Energy Star devices as part of an energy-saving program for imaging equipment that was implemented in 1995 through an agreement between the Japanese and U.S. governments. In fiscal 2023, models with the latest International Energy Star Program certification (*including equivalent models sold in the EU and Japan), accounted for 54.0% of sales of Konica Minolta's printers, MFPs and digital printing systems.

Eco Mark

Eco Mark
The Eco Mark was established by the Japan Environment Association in 1989 as a standard environmental labeling system in Japan. Konica Minolta's basic policy is to obtain Eco Mark certification for all its office equipment.

EPEAT(Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool)

This is an environmental assessment system established with the objective of encouraging the market development and sale of environmentally preferable products. The Global Electronics Council (GEC) runs and registers certifications. The program began in 2006 with labels for computers, and expanded to include imaging equipment in 2013. Products are assessed on a total of 59 criteria that address the product's life cycle, including not only the reduction and ban of harmful substances and energy conservation, but also recycling services. Products are registered with an assessment of either gold, silver or bronze.

In October 2017, Konica Minolta expanded the scope of its certifications beyond the US and acquired Canada's EPEAT certification.

In fiscal 2023, models with EPEAT certification (including equivalent models sold in the EU and Japan), accounted for 65.8% of sales of Konica Minolta's printers, multifunction printers and digital printing systems.

China Environmental Labelling

China Environmental Labelling
This is China's environmental labeling program, introduced by the Chinese government in 1994. Konica Minolta continues to earn this certification for its IT office equipment.


Established by the Canadian government in 1988, EcoLogo is one of the most widely respected environmental standard and certification systems in North America. Since earning EcoLogo certification for MFPs in the newly established Office Machines category ahead of the competition in 2009, Konica Minolta has been proactive in obtaining certification.

Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

In the past, there were many systems certifying textiles as organic. An international working group was formed to develop these into an integrated international standard, and this resulted in the establishment of the Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) in 2005. GOTS also sets safety standards for the ink used in textile products, and in fiscal 2014, Konica Minolta applied for registration of reactive dye ink as an ink that meets these standards, becoming the first Japanese manufacturer to be registered with GOTS.


Certification by ZDHC,*1 which consists mainly of major apparel companies in Europe and the United States, is designed to ensure the proper management of chemical substances in the manufacture of textile and footwear products and requires compliance with the MRSL.*2 Konica Minolta has obtained this certification for reactive dye and disperse dye inks used in textiles (textile products).

ZDHC: Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals
MRSL: Manufacturing Restricted Substance List


This certification, issued by Bluesign Technologies headquartered in Switzerland, was created in response to calls for environmentally friendly textile products, and requires that materials be free of hazardous substances and that emissions of hazardous components into water, soil, and air be minimized during the material's production. Konica Minolta has obtained this certification for reactive dye inks for textiles (textile products).


One of the certifications issued by the Oeko-Tex® Association, which certifies that dyes and pigments contain no hazardous components. Konica Minolta has obtained this certification for disperse dye inks for textiles (textile products).

Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

One of the certifications issued by The Textile Exchange, a global non-profit organization founded in 2002 to create leaders in the textiles/materials industry. This certification is intended to promote the use of recycled materials and requires restrictions on hazardous chemical use. Konica Minolta has obtained this certification for disperse dye inks for textiles (textile products).

Type II Environmental Labels

Type II environmental labeling verifies/certifies the environmental characteristics of a product according to a company’s own standards.

Konica Minolta Green Products Certification System

Konica Minolta adopted its Green Products Certification System in fiscal 2011 and has been using it ever since to evaluate and certify products that have excellent environmental performance. The purpose of the system is to contribute to the reduction of customers' and society's environmental impact by creating environmental value in line with the Group's business and product characteristics, while increasing profits. Konica Minolta has reviewed the indicators to be evaluated to stay in step with social change, and will continue to assess products' environmental value and their effect in reducing the environmental impact, while also recognizing the contributions that its solutions make in resolving environmental and social issues.

Type III Environmental Labels

Type-III environmental labeling provides information on the environmental impact of a product, based on quantitative measurement of environmental impact through the product's entire life cycle, from raw material procurement to production, sales, usage, disposal, and recycling.

Eco Leaf Environmental Label

Eco Leaf Environmental Label
The Eco Leaf Environmental Label is Type-III environmental labeling, and Konica Minolta has been disclosing environmental impact data concerning its office equipment under this label since 2002, the year when the system was started. Eco Leaf offers a system certification program whereby a third-party institution certifies that a company has mechanisms for the proper and effective gathering of environmental impact data. Konica Minolta has obtained this certification for its copier and printer businesses. In fiscal 2023, 54% of Konica Minolta's sales in printers, MFPs, and digital printing systems were of products that displayed the Eco Leaf Environmental Label.

Products Registered in the Green Purchasing Network

Konica Minolta has registered products that comply with Japan’s Green Purchasing Law and the guidelines of the Green Purchasing Network (GPN*) in the GPN’s online database of environmentally friendly products, and discloses that information.

Green Purchasing Network (GPN): A network of companies, governments, and consumers established in February 1996 to promote green purchasing initiatives.

Green Printing Certification

The green printing certification functions as a voluntary environmental standard for the printing industry by the Japan Federation of Printing Industries. Certification is granted to the printing plant and to the materials and equipment purchased by the plant. Konica Minolta has received certification for its products in the dry toner digital printer field of green printing materials and equipment category.

Certified Konica Minolta Products are shown on the List of Certified Green Printing Materials and Equipment Products.

Recyclable Printing Materials

Recyclable Printing Materials are materials that do not interfere with the recycling of printed materials and are certified by the Paper Recycling Promotion Center. The purpose of such certification is to expand the use of waste paper, especially printed and information paper. The certification is also reflected in the determination standards for designated printing procurement items under the Act on Promoting Green Purchasing, overseen by Japan's Ministry of the Environment. Konica Minolta has been certified and registered in the area of recyclable dry toners.

Certified Konica Minolta products are shown under Recyclable Dry Toner in the Select from Material Brands section.