About Konica Minolta

Giving Shape to Ideas at Eco-Products 2014 in Tokyo
Konica Minolta to Showcase Environmentally-considerate Products and Services, Creating Values for Everyday Life and Work

Tokyo (December 4, 2014) -- Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) will be exhibiting at Eco-Products 2014 (December 11-13, 2014), one of the largest environmental exhibitions in Japan, held at Tokyo Big Sight.

The theme for the sixteenth Eco-Products is “Discover Ideas to Change the Future!” The annual exhibition has drawn a lot of attentions, as diverse stakeholders visit and exhibit at the show and share initiatives or solutions that address environmental issues on a global scale.

This year, under the brand proposition “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta will showcase its eco-considerate multi-functional peripherals (MFPs) and various products and services, developed from the mind and ideas with environmental impact reduction and the company’s advanced technologies. The values and benefits these products and services bring will be presented from the viewpoint of people in everyday life and work.

Outline of Konica Minolta Booth (No. 3-037, East 3 Hall)
Lifestyle Zone Products and services contributing to environmental protection and making everyday life more convenient and comfortable
- Wireless digital radiography system AeroDR
- Inkjet textile printer Nassenger
- Chlorophyll meter
- Organic Light Emission Diode (OLED) lighting
Office Zone Solutions to increase office productivity and lessen environmental impact
- Smart-Work-Style Office solution at Konica Minolta
- OPS to optimize office printing environment
- Cloud service INFO-Palette Cloud
Open-loop recycling at Konica Minolta
- Sustainable plastic in the bizhub MFP series
- Recycling milk container material to toner containers
Planetarium “Winter Constellations” planetarium show and environment-themed commercial (in Japanese; no English subtitles) to assist environmental education and awareness-raising

The Konica Minolta Group launched its new Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016 at the beginning of this fiscal, driving its efforts to make progress towards the long-term goals in Eco Vision 2050. Facing social challenges such as global warming and resource depletion, the medium-term plan sets out goals for both the reduction of environmental impact and corporate growth, as global “One Konica Minolta.” Initiatives in the medium-term plan include carbon emissions reduction activities through collaboration with upstream suppliers and provision of assistance to the customers’ environmental management. Such strategic direction and extensive development of the initiatives have received first-tier ratings in international CSR and SRI (socially responsible investment) assessments.

Konica Minolta will keep contributing to lowering environmental impact in a broader society by creating products and services with superb environmental performance, as well as those to be showcased at Eco-Products 2014, based on its innovative technologies and customer-centric and socially-focused ideas.

Konica Minolta Booth at Eco-Products 2013

Overview of Eco-Products 2014
Dates December 11 (Thu.) – December 13 (Sat.), 2014
Venue Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center)
Organized by Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI)
Nikkei Inc.

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