Change of Number of Shares Constituting One Unit and Partial Amendment to Articles of Incorporation

Company Name: Konica Minolta, Inc.
Representative Name: Masatoshi Matsuzaki, President and CEO
Local Securities Code Number: 4902
Contact: Yuki Kobayashi, General Manager, CSR, Corporate Communications and Branding Division
Tel: (81) 3-6250-2100

Tokyo (December 19, 2013) - Konica Minolta, Inc. (“Company”) today announced that the Board of Directors of the Company resolved to change the number of shares constituting one unit (“Share Unit Number”) and to amend the Articles of Incorporation in accordance with Article 195, Section 1, of the Company Law, as follows:

1. Change of the Share Unit Number

(1)Reason for the change

In light of the Action Plan for the Consolidation of Trading Units announced by Japanese stock exchanges, the Company will reduce the Shares Unit Number in order to create an environment where investors including individual investors will be able to make investments more easily and increase the liquidity of its shares.

(2)Details of the change

The Share Unit Number will be changed from 500 shares to 100 shares.

(3)Prospective effective date of the change

April 1, 2014

2. Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

(1)Reason for the amendment

Due to the change of the Share Unit Number described above.

(2)Details of the amendment

As stated below.

(The underlined parts show changes.)

Current Articles of Incorporation (abstract) After amendment (abstract)
(Number of Shares Constituting One Unit)
Article 8. The number of shares constituting one unit shall be 500 shares.
(Number of Shares Constituting One Unit)
Article 8. The number of shares constituting one unit shall be 100 shares.
(addition) Supplementary Provisions
Article 1. Amendment to the provisions of the Article 8 (Number of Shares Constituting One Unit) shall be effective on April 1, 2014. The provisions of this Article shall be deleted on the day on which the said amendment becomes effective.

(Supplementary information)
The trading unit of number of shares of the Company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange will also be changed to 100 shares effective April 1, 2014.

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