Konica Minolta Recognized for Climate Change Action and Transparency with CDP Leadership Positions
- Enhanced Environmental Efforts Brought Konica Minolta for the First Time Named to Both CPLI and CDLI -

Tokyo (November 6, 2013) - Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) today announced that the company has been commended by CDP for the action it is taking to reduce emissions and mitigate the risks of climate change and for its approach to the disclosure of climate change information. The achievements are announced today in the CDP Japan 500 Climate Change Report 2013.

At the request of 722 investors representing $87 trillion in assets, Konica Minolta this year took part in CDP's climate change program, designed to enable management of greenhouse gas emissions and the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.

Konica Minolta has achieved a position both in CDP's Japan 500 Climate Performance Leadership Index (CPLI) and CDP's Japan 500 Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI). These annual indices highlight the constituent companies within the large Japanese 500 companies (Japan 500) including companies in the FTSE Japan Index.

This is the first time that Konica Minolta is listed in both of the distinguished indices.

Achieving an ‘A band' for climate performance is a prerequisite for a position on the CPLI, which is based on a number of criteria associated with measuring, verifying and managing carbon footprints. In 2013 the Japan 500 CPLI comprises 12 companies, including Konica Minolta.

In the evaluation of the disclosure of climate change information, companies are scored out of 100 on the completeness and standard of their submissions. High scores indicate the provision of robust climate data and a good understanding of climate change related issues affecting the company. The CDLI comprises the organizations that achieved a score within the top 10% of the respondents. In 2013 the Japan 500 CDLI comprises 24 companies, including Konica Minolta, achieving the disclosure score of 95 or more.

In the 2013 Japan 500, eight companies including Konica Minolta have been named both to CPLI and CDLI. Only Konica Minolta has been named to both leadership positions in the precision equipment industry.

Through various channels, including Bloomberg terminals, such company performance and scores are communicated to investors and other decision makers that need to assess corporate preparedness for changing market demands and emission regulation.

Konica Minolta has been vigorously addressing the challenge of preventing global warming across the board. In its Eco Vision 2050, a set of long-term goals that looks all the way out to the year 2050, Konica Minolta targets CO2 emissions reduction throughout the product life cycle by 80% by 2050, compared to fiscal 2005 levels. Over the years, the company has calculated the entire CO2 emissions associated with the Group's activities across its entire supply chain, from upstream to downstream of its operations. In assessing the emission data for the fiscal year ended March 2013, Konica Minolta has taken a step forward for a fuller level of information disclosure by adding categories for calculation to Scope 3 (indirect emissions other than Scope 2). Furthermore, based on analysis of the enhanced data calculation, the company has identified areas for improvement, set targets in emission reduction and been carrying out emission management and reduction activities.

Along with its own “Green Product Certification System,” “Green Factory Certification System” and “Green Marketing Activities,” in the fiscal year ended March 2013, the Konica Minolta Group achieved reduction in CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle by 50% from the fiscal 2005 levels.

Under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta will keep developing new ideas into innovations that will help reduce carbon emissions throughout the entire supply chain for the global environment.

For additional information on Konica Minolta's environmental activities, please visit

About CDP

CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project is an international, not-for-profit organization providing the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information. CDP works with market forces, including 722 institutional investors with assets of US$87 trillion, to motivate companies to disclose their impacts on the environment and natural resources and take action to reduce them. CDP now holds the largest collection globally of primary climate change, water and forest risk commodities information and puts these insights at the heart of strategic business, investment and policy decisions. www.cdp.net

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