Konica Minolta Publishes CSR Report 2013
New Ideas for a Sustainable World

Tokyo (September 19, 2013) – Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has published its CSR Report 2013 (English version) online to inform all of its stakeholders about the Group's corporate social responsibility initiatives:

Based on the management philosophy “The Creation of New Value,” Konica Minolta strives to drive strong growth and become “a company essential to society and worthy of its support.” Throughout its business activities, the company is committed to create new value that improves the quality of society, such as environmentally responsible actions, and contribute to solutions to address societal challenges.

On April 1, 2013, Konica Minolta reorganized its management system to run businesses directly while managing the Group as a whole. The reorganization has enabled Konica Minolta to step up its endeavors toward a sustainable company that can strategically utilize the global management resources and deliver new values to society in its own distinctive way, taking advantage of the strength in proprietary technologies and mobilizing whatever is required to solve the problems, under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas.”

CSR Report 2013 features a cross-border project for Konica Minolta's OPS (Optimized Print Services). OPS combine consulting, hardware, software implementation and workflow management to respond to the dramatically changing office needs with today's constantly evolving business technologies. OPS leverage those changes to bring innovation to offices by streamlining printing infrastructure, reduce costs and environmental impact and enhancing security. OPS are an optimal solution for multinational corporations with global operations. In this case study, Konica Minolta shared the customers' unique requests and challenges and delivered innovative solutions that only come from its new ideas and strong capabilities to give shape to those ideas.

Konica Minolta has also been making progress in reducing environmental impact throughout the product life cycle. Multifaceted programs have been put into action around the world to meet the environmental protection targets, based on Konica Minolta's long-term environmental vision, Eco Vision 2050, and the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2015 which establishes major objectives and specific goals to be implemented by the target year of 2015. Along with the progress report of the medium-term environmental plan, CSR Report 2013 highlights development of three Green Activities that support the medium-term plan: the Green Products Certification System; the Green Factory Certification System; and the Green Marketing activities.

In addition, CSR Report 2013 unveils calculation of the entire carbon emissions associated with the Konica Minolta Group's activities across its entire supply chain, from upstream to downstream of its operations. Generally based on the widely-used international standards of GHG Protocol*, CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain in the fiscal year 2012 were approximately 1.507 million tons. Among them, emissions from the Group's activities (Scope 1) plus indirect emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam (Scope 2) totaled approximately 453,000 tons, or about 30% of all emissions. Other indirect emissions (Scope 3) associated with the Group's activities through the supply chain, including manufacturing of purchased goods and use of sold products, totaled approximately 1.055 million tons, accounting for about 70%.

For additional information on Konica Minolta's CSR and environmental efforts, please visit

GHG Protocol: Guidelines for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

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