Konica Minolta Sponsors “CNN Heroes” Campaign

Tokyo (July 2, 2013) – Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) today announced that the company sponsors “CNN Heroes” project by CNN from July through December 2013.

In its seventh year “CNN Heroes” sheds light on everyday heroes with extraordinary achievement in the fields such as environment or human rights and lets the world know how an individual can make a difference to society.

Konica Minolta has been advancing steadily toward realizing its vision of the kind of company it should aim to be: “a company both supported and relied upon throughout the world.” One of its major initiatives is global environmental protection at the heart of its management. Konica Minolta has established its long-term environmental vision “Eco Vision 2050” and aims to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle by 80% by 2050, compared to 2005 levels. The company's “Three Green Activities” (Green Products Certification System; Green Factory Certification System; and Green Marketing Activities) play an important role, among other efforts, to drive reduction in the environmental impact.

Initiatives of “CNN Heroes” align with Konica Minolta's environmental management vision. This sponsorship will help Konica Minolta enhance the brand value and recognition of its global activities which go hand in hand with environmental protection.

Under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta continues supporting diverse activities that contribute to society and environment, through sponsorship for such projects as “CNN Heroes.”

CNN Heroes award ceremony 2012

Overview of “CNN Heroes” sponsorship

- Media
  -- CNN US: Online
  -- CNN International: TV* and online
*In North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Africa
- On TV, Konica Minolta's commercial will run in the annual award ceremony (one hour), featured short programs and Vignette.
- On the Net, CNN and Konica Minolta's co-branded web banner is posted on CNN Heroes pages at CNN.com and CNN.com International. In addition, a promotional banner and pre-roll video are posted on CNN.com and CNN.com International.
- Sponsorship period: July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013

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CNN Heroes Top banner


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