Notice of Difference between Forecast and Actual Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2013

Company Name: Konica Minolta, Inc.
Representative: Masatoshi Matsuzaki, President and CEO
Stock Exchange Listings: Tokyo, Osaka (First Sections)
Local Securities Code Number: 4902
Contact: Yuki Kobayashi, General Manager, CSR, Corporate Communications & Branding Division
Tel: (81) 3-6250-2100

Tokyo (May 10, 2013) - Konica Minolta, Inc. today announced difference between the financial results forecast disclosed on May 10, 2012, and the actual financial results for the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2013, as follows:

Difference between Forecast and Actual Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2013 (April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013)

  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Net Income
Per Share
(Millions of yen) (Millions of yen) (Millions of yen) (Millions of yen) (yen)
Forecast Previously Announced (A) 800,000 48,000 44,000 22,000 41.49
Results (B) 813,073 40,659 38,901 15,124 28.52
Increase(Decrease) (B - A) 13,073 (7,340) (5,098) (6,875)  
Rate of Change (%) 1.6 (15.3) (11.6) (31.3)  
(Ref.) Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012 767,879 40,346 34,758 20,424 38.52

Reasons for the Difference

The net sales for the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2013, surpassed the previously announced forecast by 13 billion yen (1.6%), due to the increase of unit sales in the new office color MFPs (multi-functional peripherals) and production print equipment, as well as effect of merger and acquisitions, in Business Technologies Business.

The operating profit, however, was lower than the previously announced forecast by 7.3 billion yen (-15.3%), influenced by delay in the cost reduction plan regarding some of the new products and sluggish market in Europe, among others, in Business Technologies Business.

The net income was lower than the previously announce forecast by 6.8 billion yen (-31.3%) as a result of posting extraordinary loss on retirement and impairment of fixed assets, among others, regarding some of production facilities.

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