Konica Minolta Publishes Environmental Report 2012
“Three Green Activities” in Steady Global Development

Tokyo (October 16, 2012) - Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has published its Environmental Report 2012 online to inform all of its stakeholders about the Group's environmental initiatives:

The Konica Minolta Group conducts its corporate activities in harmony with people and the environment by integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives into the Group's corporate strategy, the Environmental Policy of the Konica Minolta Group, while continuing strong growth in its businesses. In January 2009, Konica Minolta formulated Eco Vision 2050 as its long-term environmental vision for sustainable earth and society. Under the Eco Vision 2050 and its milestone marker, the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2015, each of the Group companies has launched various initiatives toward the goals.

Along with the progress report of the medium-term environmental plan, Konica Minolta CSR Report 2012 highlights major environmental efforts in the Group around the world, while more detailed information is disclosed on the web. Konica Minolta Environmental Report 2012 focuses on the Group's basic concepts and environmental activities in fiscal 2011 in PDF format.

Konica Minolta Environmental Report 2012 includes information about the progress of the “Three Green Activities” that support the medium-term environmental plan. The Green Products Certification System has been in full operation since fiscal 2011 toward accelerated development of environmentally responsible products. The Environmental Report shows products certified as “Green Products” in fiscal 2011 and their primary environmental performance. For comprehensive evaluation of the environmental activities of the production sites, the Green Factory Certification System has seen all of the 22 business units achieve the Level 1 targets by the end of fiscal 2011, as planned. Information about various environmental initiatives taken at the production sites can be found in the Environmental Report. Under the Green Marketing activities, sales companies around the world set locally unique environmental action plans on their own and have been practicing environmentally responsible sales and services. The Green Marketing policy and activities are outlined in the Environmental Report.

Under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta will continue contributing to solutions for challenges in the global environment and society by fulfilling the customers' needs through creative environmental innovations.

For additional information on Konica Minolta's environmental efforts, visit
CSR Report 2012 //www.konicaminolta.com/about/csr/csr/download/2012/

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