First WET Testing at Konica Minolta Factory Outside of Japan Assesses Ecosystem Impact: Biodiversity Is Part of Green Factory Certification System

Tokyo (September 26, 2012) - In an effort to restore and preserve biodiversity at production sites, the Konica Minolta Group (Konica Minolta) carried out WET testing for the first time at its factory outside of Japan to verify the impact of wastewater on the surrounding ecosystems.

In January 2010, Konica Minolta launched its unique Green Factory Certification System for comprehensive evaluation of the environmental activities of its production sites. Implementing various initiatives to restore and preserve biodiversity at the manufacturing sites, the Group revised the Level 2 Certification Standards, to be achieved by fiscal 2015, for the Green Factory Certification System to stipulate that the production sites had to be consistent with its Guidelines for Biodiversity Preservation. The Guidelines includes reduction of water consumption and monitoring of impact of wastewater on ecosystems, among others.

Since July 2012, WET (Whole Effluent Toxicity) testing using bioassays has been carried out at Konica Minolta Glass Tech (M) Sdn. Bhd. In Malacca, Malaysia, a production site of Konica Minolta Optics, Inc., headquartered in Hachioji, Tokyo. WET testing is a new method of wastewater management and currently attracts attention around the world. This was the first WET testing that Konica Minolta conducted outside of Japan.

The WET testing in Malaysia was implemented with the cooperation of the SIRIM Berhad, Selangor, Malaysia-based research institute, and was done on an algae (Selenastrum capricornutum), a crustacean (Daphnia magna), and a fish (carp, Cyprinus carpio). The results indicated that there was no negative impact (algae: inhibition of growth; crustacean: inhibition of breeding; fish: reduced hatching rate or reduced survival rate after hatching) on any of the three test organisms.

Under the Guidelines for Biodiversity Preservation, Konica Minolta carried out WET testing at four plants in Japan in fiscal 2011, as the first such testing in the industry. The results indicated that there was no negative impact for three test organisms used in the testing in Japan. The initiatives have been extended to overseas to conduct the assessment in Malaysia this time.

For additional information about Konica Minolta's environmental activities, visit //

*WET: A method that assesses the aggregate toxic effect of wastewater on aquatic life rather than the volume of individual chemical substances. Unlike conventional effluent management methods, it enables holistic assessment of the effect of an effluent, detecting impact caused by any non-regulated chemical substance or the combined impact of multiple substances.

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