Konica Minolta Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for Third Consecutive Year

Tokyo (September 15, 2011) - Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) for the third consecutive year in recognition of its economic, environmental and social performance.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) are the first global sustainability indexes provided by Dow Jones and SAM (Sustainable Asset Management) Group, the Switzerland-based sustainability investment company, to assess corporate sustainability from economic, environmental and social developments. The DJSI Asia Pacific appraises companies in Asia and Oceania regions. This time 156 companies have been listed in the index and within the list 79 are Japanese companies including Konica Minolta.

We believe our listing on the DJSI Asia Pacific for three years in a row since its 2009 inception reflects our group-wide efforts toward social and environmental consideration, governance and innovative corporate management.

Konica Minolta regards corporate social responsibility (CSR) as corporate management itself and globally promotes social sustainability activities that are closely aligned to the core of its businesses for contribution to society, in sync with fostering growth of the company on a worldwide basis. Among a broad range of such activities, prevention of global warming and other environmental activities carries important weight. Konica Minolta has been running its own environmental initiatives such as the Green Factory Certification System that comprehensively evaluates the environmental impacts of the production sites across the world and the Green Products Certification System, a new system that promotes creation of environmentally sound products throughout every phase of the life cycle from development to manufacturing and further to use of the products. Moreover, taking advantage of its own core technologies, the company has been striving to create new values to meet social expectations and actively focusing on two fields: Environment and Energy; and Health, Security and Safety.

Besides the DJSI Asia Pacific, Konica Minolta has been included in the FTSE4Good Global Index of the UK-based FTSE Group and the Japan-based Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index, ranked for two years in a row in the SAM Silver Class of the sustainability rating, and selected in the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World by the Canada-based Corporate Knights Inc.

Aiming to become a company essential to and supported by society worldwide, Konica Minolta will continue efforts to create new businesses that help global environment and contribute to sustainable development of human society.

For additional information on Konica Minolta's CSR and environmental efforts, visit

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