Konica Minolta Supports Relief Efforts for Earthquake in Japan

Tokyo (March 14, 2011) – Masatoshi Matsuzaki, President and CEO of Konica Minolta Holdings Inc. (Konica Minolta) today announced the following statement:

We, the entire Group companies, extend our deepest condolences to the people affected by the devastating major earthquake and tsunamis that struck along the northern coast of Japan's Honshu Island on March 11.

Konica Minolta and its Group companies will donate 50 million Japanese yen through the Japanese Red Cross Society to support relief efforts for the communities and people affected by the disaster.

The Group companies are acutely aware of the current shortage in the electric power supply across the eastern part of Japan, due to damages by the earthquake to the power plants in the affected regions. To assist initiatives to curb power consumption, the Konica Minolta Group has turned off electric signage and will continue various measures to conserve electric power usage.

Konica Minolta is willing to assist recovery and rebuilding efforts through the corporate activities of the entire Group companies and efforts by their employees all over the world.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people and communities affected by the disaster and we sincerely hope days of recovery will be coming soon.

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