Konica Minolta Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index

Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index Tokyo (September 25, 2009) – Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) in recognition of its economic, environmental and social performance.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) are the first global sustainability indexes provided by Dow Jones and SAM Group, the Switzerland-based sustainability investment company, to assess corporate sustainability from economic, environmental, and social developments. DJSI Asia Pacific was newly launched in January, 2009 to assess companies in Asia and Oceania regions. 130 companies have been listed in the index this time, and within the list, 78 are Japanese companies including Konica Minolta.

Konica Minolta regards corporate social responsibility (CSR) as corporate management itself and globally promotes social sustainability activities in every way. In research and development activities, we are focusing on two potential growth areas – “environment and energy” and “health, security and safety.” In these areas, it is our social responsibility to develop innovative technologies to provide products and services to meet social expectations. Moreover, in December, 2008, Konica Minolta signed the United Nations Global Compact identifying ten universal principles on human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.
We believe that our listing on the DJSI Asia Pacific reflects our group-wide efforts toward social and environmental consideration and innovative corporate management.

Besides DJSI Asia Pacific, Konica MInolta has been included in FTSE4Good Global Index of the UK and the Japan-based Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index.

By providing innovative products and services, Konica Minolta wishes to persistently contribute to society and people's lives while safeguarding the environment.

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