November 9, 2004

Notice Regarding Application for Delisting of Shares

Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc ( the "Company") hereby gives notice that the Company intends to submit applications for delisting of common shares and Global Bearer Certificate ( GBC ) of the Company from the three stock exchanges described below on which shares or GBC's of the Company are currently listed.

Detail :

  1. The three Stock Exchanges with which the application for delisting are to be filed are ; Nagoya Stock Exchange, Inc., Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and Düsseldorf Stock Exchange.
  2. Reason for Application for Delisting;
    The level of trading volume of the shares or GBC's is low on all of the aforementioned stock exchanges.
    The impact of delisting from these exchanges upon the shareholders and the investors of the Company would therefore be marginal.
  3. Stock Exchanges on which the shares continue to be listed :
    Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., and Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd
  4. The date of Applications and Termination for delisting
    (1) Nagoya Stock Exchange Inc.,
    Application for delisting will be filed on November 10th, 2004.Following the acceptance of such application by the stock exchange, the delisting of shares will be effective approximately one month from the date on which the shares are assigned to the liquidation post.
    (2) Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Düsseldorf Stock Exchange
    The application for delisting will be filed by late November 2004, and the delisting is scheduled to be completed in March 2005.

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